
May Gardening Handbook - Download

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NZ $5.00
Your purchase helps support H.O.P.E. Trust - Healing of Planet Earth

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  • PDF e-Book for PC or e-Book Reader
  • 15 high resolution JPG images
  • filled with great information
  • homemade spray & remedies
  • handy hints & suggestions for this month
  • plus a lot more...
  Summary of - May Gardening Handbook:
The lovely month of May often brings rather balanced and very good gardening weather right around the world. It brings the glories of High Spring to the Northern Hemisphere and often ushers in the early days of summer. While May represents Late Autumn in New Zealand and is often a lovely time to be outdoors.

There’s a golden glow to the sunlight. And it has still got some warmth to it, especially in sheltered corners. Tempera­tures are refreshingly cool and crisp but warm enough to sustain subtropical growth and flowering in mild climates...
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About us

dale-john 01-100x66 Dale Harvey and John Newton met in Melbourne Aust. in 1981. Since then they both men have supported each others careers while also building and maintaining their own. Read about how they were able to turn their joint careers into one and creating a dream of a better world starting in their own local community.

Media & Publications

host daffodils-100x66The following articles are a small part of the many published editorials on or about both Dale Harvey and John Newton.

Plus the property affectionately nick named by the people of New Zealand, as the
"Quarter Acre” Paradise gardens.

Awards & Credits

HOPE Trust-100x66This is a collection of Appreciation Certificates, Local and Overseas Awards with Acknowledgments presented to Dale Harvey and John Newton over the many years of their joint careers.
Plus the Launch and Registration
of The H.O.P.E. Trust
The Healing of Planet Earth.

Contact Us

Quarter Acrea Paradise
23 Vine Street
Mangere East 2024
Auckland New Zealand

Text: 0274720700
Tel: +61 9 276 4827
Email: info@daleharvey.com 