Your purchase helps support H.O.P.E. Trust - Healing of Planet Earth
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152 page PDF e-Book for PC or e-Book Reader
15 high resolution JPG images
filled with great information
homemade spray & remedies
handy hints & suggestions for this month
plus a lot more...
Summary of - January Gardening Handbook:
January in New Zealand is known as High Summer or Mid Summer. Sunlight, day length, warmth and growth rates have all reached their peak and begin to simmer and percolate. Weather extremes can produce very dry and/or hot conditions; or cool and pleasant but mostly dry ‘continental’ summers; and in other years humid, warm, wet and tropical all dependent upon the prevailing wind direction that year.
In bountiful years, many gardens are looking great. Tropical plants burst into bloom and flourish. Flowering gardens often reach their peak; fruits and vegetables are abundant...
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In bountiful years, many gardens are looking great. Tropical plants burst into bloom and flourish. Flowering gardens often reach their peak; fruits and vegetables are abundant...
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