Most Gardeners adore Butterflies. They add a special magic that enhances almost any garden setting especially throughout the warmer months and sometimes year-round in milder parts of New Zealand.
Since ancient times Butterflies have been associated with the soul and are often considered a symbol of eloquence and grace; freedom and happiness; unfurling glory, inevitable change and passionate transformation and transcendence.
The New Zealand countryside and gardens host up to 24 species of Butterflies, 13 are native. There are also 700 species of Moths, some of which are colourful and large but less seen as they are mostly nocturnal. Most all these Butterflies and Moths that are here are lovely and well-worth encouraging in our gardens.
By far the most captivating and showy are the Monarchs. These delightful Butterflies are so beloved that there is a Monarch Butterfly New Zealand Trust dedicated to their care and preservation.
Here is your opportunity to learn how to create a Butterfly Garden and habitat:
Butterfly Gardening Course:
Starts Friday, 1 March 2013 online:

Five weeks of valuable information about creating a butterfly garden/habitat will be made available on line. At the end of each week a test is completed, and the five tests are mailed in to the MBNZT at the end of the course. Discussion takes place in the forum on the Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust website. Those who complete the five tests successfully receive a certificate.
Costs and Details here:
Butterfly Conference:
Monarch Butterfly NZ Trust is also sponsoring a special Butterfly Conference.

Poster here:
Conference venue: Unitec, Mt Albert, Auckland
Saturday and Sunday 16-17 March 2013.
Fascinating Personalities, Great Information, Interesting Speakers
Butterfly Conference costs, details and registration form here:
For more information contact Jacqui Knight:
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