Climate Change is an inevitable consequence of life on Earth. Humanity is a product of climate change. Modern Humankind is a cold climate species developing from the most recent Ice Age. Now Earth is in the midst of Interglacial Warming Interval (IWI).
Yet surprising as it may seem, technically the Earth is still within an Ice Age cycle. CO2 Carbon Dioxide levels as well as greenhouse gases like Methane and average global temperatures, while rising, remain near their lowest levels when compared through geological time. Right now the Earth is comparatively cool! In past ages sea levels have been as much as 65-80m/217-267 ft higher than today. In Earth’s geological historical past, CO2 and greenhouse gases levels plus average global temperatures were frequently much higher than today.
Born This Way: A History of Life on Earth through Climate Change
(An exciting new report by Dale Harvey)
Yes, sceptics are absolutely correct when they say that all this is just a natural cycle and has happened before. At least 11 times before there have been similar Warming Intervals in Earth’s long history. Each warming episode has seen dramatic increases in both Carbon Dioxide and Methane levels as well as temperatures rising much more than Humankind has ever witnessed in its short history on the Planet.
Yes, those who say that Climate Change is the natural result of the orbital cycle of the Earth combined with Sun cycles are also correct. The Earth's tilt on its axis and its orbit are eccentric. For many thousands of years during Human history the Earth’s orbit has remained elliptical with a strong axial tilt. This results in uneven heating and a ‘cool’ Planet. Now the axial tilt is decreasing and Earth’s orbit is becoming more circular as the Planets of the Solar System move into alignment. A circular orbit with less axis tilt results in rapid warming over the entire Planet. The warming greatly accentuates during periods of higher Solar activity like the Solar Maximum Cycle we are experiencing now. This combination of events causes what is known as an Interglacial Warming Interval.
Once it starts, which it has, the polar ice sheets melt and sea levels rise dramatically. Interglacial Warming Intervals (IWI) drastically alter ocean currents and prevailing climatic and weather patterns, most notably nearer the polar and temperate zones. Climatic conditions don't actually get a lot warmer, especially at first; they become much more turbulent. This results in unusual mixing of cold and warm air masses resulting in greater extremes and fluctuations in temperatures and dramatic seasonal variations; increased precipitation and wind events. Once the Planet warms entirely, these dramatic seasonal variations tend to subside.
Rising sea levels change the flow of ocean currents which also influences prevailing weather patterns. Combining the changes of ocean currents with greater atmospheric turbulence creates the model for dramatic changes in climate and seasonal variations. Water is quite heavy. The additional and extraordinary ocean water pressure spreading out over the tectonic plates shifts their volatile balance and also propels them into faster motion causing further dramatic geographical, geological and meteorological changes.
Those who claim that Anthropogenic (Human) activities are responsible for Climate Changes that are altering the balance of life on the Earth are also correct. Historical evidence demonstrates that each and every Interglacial Warming Interval has produced dramatic mass extinction events. The world is witnessing the extinction of thousands of unique species each year. But these warming intervals also have proven highly beneficial to numerous specialised species. Successful species adapt and flourish in the warmth. As their numbers proliferate, they produce more Carbon Dioxide and greenhouse gases like Methane that alter the atmosphere and cause the climate to warm even faster.
Humankind is a classic example of a successful Interglacial Warming Interval species, which developed from an Ice Age, whose daily activities as a civilization are naturally contributing to the greenhouse gases that are warming the atmosphere. Rising temperatures combined with moisture speeds decomposition of organic materials throughout the Planets’ surface. Global decomposition releases even more greenhouse gases on a massive scale. Humankind, as a product of Nature and natural selection, is just doing its part as it is meant to do.
Global Warming is likely to contribute to further expansion and evolution of the Human Species. Past climate changes have not eliminated life on this Planet, just changed its composition and where it lived. Traditionally, Interglacial Warming Intervals encourage new species to adapt to the changes and life flourishes in the warmth.
In past Interglacial Warming Intervals, rising sea levels have seriously inundated many coastlines as they will again. But for what land was lost, more was gained as warming temperatures allowed tropical species and lush vegetation to spread throughout the Arctic Circle. Forests and grasslands covered Antarctica. Many regions presently too cold for comfortable habitation became quite liveable. In addition the changing climates when combined with rising seas and shifting ocean currents witnessed increased precipitation in regions that are now arid and dry. This created lakes, inland seas, rivers and streams producing abundance and green prosperity in drier regions of Australia, the Middle East, parts of the Americas and Asia and even the Sahara Desert. The last small Interglacial Warming Interval several thousand years ago created the ‘Green Sahara’, the Middle Eastern ‘Fertile Crescent’ and the legendary ‘Garden of Eden’.
Interglacial Warming Intervals are part of a massive natural cycle which involves the very essence of life itself. Warming Intervals are controlled by the orbital phases of the Planet in its relationship with the cycles of the Sun, our Solar System and the Galaxy. These cycles are irreversible at this stage of Human development and understanding. The likelihood of altering such profound Climate Change is about as likely as changing the eccentric orbit of the Earth!
No amount of conservation, recycling, taxation, transformation of commercial development and industry will alter in the least the profound orbital variations of the Planet and the consequential changes in climate that confront our future development. Such changes are inevitable. Our survival as a species depends on our ability to adapt, embrace, understand and use to advantage whatever challenges our future as an advancing Species. Our most successful response will surely be a flexible, progressive, strong union as ‘united we stand and divided we fall’.
The Climate Changes ahead will inevitably produce losers as well as winners. Life will move on; never to be repeated as things once were. There is no turning back. Population and all their many demands and needs will continue to increase. Each change in climate will challenge our quality of life. Possibly our very survival depends on us becoming more adaptable, resilient and strong in our ability to rebound, rebuild and recolonize. Industrial and technological development and expansion will be essential to our advancement and future development.
Climate Changes are part of a natural cycle. Each event within these cycles is accompanied by a natural rhythm which can be interpreted as signs, signals and warnings of impending natural events. By embracing Nature through an active participation with the natural environment, ones’ chances of sensing such natural indicators increases which improves ones’ chances of survival. One of the best ways to accomplish this is the learn how to garden.
This Climate Change Report outlines the remarkable number of Climate Changes that have frequently occurred throughout Earth’s geological history. The findings clearly demonstrate that Climate Changes are quintessential to the advancement and development of life on Earth. Surviving species are the successful product of adaptive responses to Climate Change. The challenges brought about by the rising Interglacial Warming Interval will most likely not result in the demise of Humankind but its advancement!
This is not the end, it is just the beginning!
Dale Harvey’s Climate Change Report is presented in a clearly readable format with many references to reliable sources documented easily through the Internet. This allows anyone interested to check the data and research further so that they can make their own conclusions.
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