With the prospect of a dry, waterless summer ahead in many districts now is the time to prepare for hot weather.
Complete the planting of trees, shrubs, perennials, and hardy annuals as quickly as possible.
They must develop a strong root system of their own before dry weather sets in or they will need watering all summer.

Dig in compost, leaf mould, humus, or peat to the planting holes so the soil will remain more water-retentive.
Mulch everything against dry weather. Dig beds for later planting.
Wherever watering is a problem start summer and autumn flowers and vegetables in individual containers or sow their seed direct where they are to grow.
This avoids transplanting shock and the need for most artificial watering.In colder districts sow under glass.

Shelter tender, emerging growth from late frosts, freezes and icy winds.
Start planting dahlia, canna, gladioli, tuberous begonia, caladium, and other summer bulbs and roots.
Repot and feed houseplants and increase watering as weather warms.
Plant citrus, potatoes, most herbs, and the last of the cool season vegetable crops.
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