Spring showers bring more than just flowers. Combined with warming spring temperatures the conditions become perfect for the spread of fungus diseases and hatching insects to spread them around.
This becomes one of the most important times of the entire year to spray your garden to control the situation.
If fungus and insects are stopped from growing and spreading early in the spring the average garden will stay remarkably pest and disease free for the remainder of the season.
Fruit trees, berry fruits, grapes and roses are especially vulnerable and need a fungal spray

just as buds begin to swell. There are several excellent commercial fungal sprays available.
The most effective often have a copper base such as copper oxychloride. While this has a very low toxicity truly organic gardeners may wish to substitute an oil spray to control fungus.
But guard that this oil is not applied to tender young growth in sunny weather as this may cause burning.
If insects such as codling moth, borer, or aphids were a problem last year stop them dead in their tracks now by adding a suitable insecticide to this spray.

Some gardeners even add a dash of a soluble complete plant food to the mix just to give new spring growth that extra edge on the season.
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