Pest / Insect:Army & Corn Earworm Aphids (green, brown, black, whooly) Borer Bronze & Brown Beetle Carrot Rust Fly Case Moth (Bag Worm) Caterpillar (Looper & Diamond Back Moth) Caterpillar (Leaf roller) Codling Moth Cutworm & Grub Green Shield Vegetable Beetle Leaf Hopper / Springtails Leaf Miner Mealy Bug Mites (Red Spider, European, & 2 spotted) Nematode (also weed seeds and soil fungus) Psyllid (pitted, crinkled leaves) Scale Slugs & Snails Slug Thrip Weevils & Earwigs Whitefly |
Plants Most Often Affected:Corn Peach, pear, plum, apricot, citrus, strawberry, all cane fruits, rhododendron, most vegetables, azalea, roses, most indoor and glasshouse plants Citrus, many woody trees & shrubs All fruit trees, except citrus, roses, beets, lilies, grass roots, orchids Carrots, parsnip, parsley Conifers Many flowers and all vegetables ( often seen on brassicas) All fruit trees & citrus, cane fruits, chrysanthemum, geranium, roses, azalea and many ornamentals Apples, pears, quince lawns, many vegetables & flowers Lawns, many vegetables & flowers Corn, maize, beets, beans Apples, pears, jasmine & many other vines & shrubs Azalea, rhododendron, chrysanthemum, dahlia, Kowhai, cineraria, marigold, and many more Citrus, most fruit trees & vines ,oleander, wisteria, tea tree, carnation, fern, palms and most indoor / glasshouse plants Squash, pumpkins, melons, cucumbers, indoor and glasshouse plants; any ornamental when dry Many ornamentals but especially those grown in light sandy soils Pittosporum, N.Z. Natives, Pohutukawa All fruit / citrus trees, conifers, many deciduous ornamental trees, shrubs & hedge plants, roses, ferns, palms and all indoor & glasshouse plants Almost everything Pear, plum, quince, apricot (pear / cherry) Hawthorn Citrus, roses, azaleas, dahlia, rhododendron, gladioli, zinnia, ferns, acmenas, entire onion related family, potato, tomato & many more in hot, dry weather Many ornamental trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables Many vegetables, ornamentals, indoor & glasshouse plants |
Suggested Control:Target Orthene, Gild, Derris Dust & Liquid, Maldison, Pestmaster, Target, Pyrethrum, Shield Orthene, Mineral Turps, Kerosene sprayed into holes - prune out affected wood Target, Ambush, Gild, Carbaryl, Maldison, Thuricide Diazinon, Napthalene Orthene Carbaryl, Mavrik, Maldison, Gild, Derris Dust Carbaryl, Maverik, Gild, Super Shield Carbaryl, Maldison, Thuricide Diazinon, Lawn Grass Doctor, Lime Sulphur Orthene, Target, Gild, Pestmaster Orthene, Maldison, Pestmaster, Target, Derris Dust Gild, Super Shield, Orthene Orthene, Maldison, Conqueror Oil, Pyrethrum Mite Killer, Kelthane / Dicofol, Tedion, Conqueror or Winter Oil Drench / sterilize soil with Basamid (all plants must be removed) Orthene Conqueror Oil combined with Orthene, Maldison, Target; Lime Sulphur Mesurol, Blitzem, Traps Carbaryl Maverik, Orthene, Gild, Carbaryl, Super Shield, Carbaryl, Pestmaster, Liquid Derris, Maldison Target, Orthene Target, Safers / Nature’s Way Insect Spray, Maldison, Orthene |