Native to the Malay archipelago and Madagascar, Stephanotis, the Wax Flower, has filled many tropical evenings with a special spicy perfume that lingers in the humid air like a romantic memory.
Perhaps that is why the white, waxy flower clusters are so widely used in wedding bouquets. Evergreen S. floribunda is the best of the 15 species.
They make fine container plants for the glasshouse, sunroom or sunny window with a summer holiday outdoors or plant outside in a very sheltered spot where temperatures remain above 10 degrees.
The woody vines twine quickly so will need a stout support. Plant in a well drained, enriched compost.
They tolerate light shade but flower best in sunny, sheltered spots with good humidity, moisture and liquid feeding over the summer.
Through the winter keep sunny and drier. Stephanotis can be planted now or start cuttings in small pots filled with a sand and peat mix.
If kept very warm, moist, and lightly shaded new plants develop quickly and will soon bring the romantic smell of the tropics to your garden!
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