Since ancient times the lucky jade plant has been the living symbol of the jade stone, the sacred royal stone of Asia. It represents prosperity, good luck, fortune, wealth, nobility, and strength. Lucky jade attracts truth to all situations, providing insight into problems, attunes one to the needs of others, and puts things in proper prospective and helps transform dreams into reality, making all things possible.
It alleviates anxiety and fear while enhancing wisdom, balance, confidence, assurance, and self-sufficiency. Lucky jade encourages best spiritual practices that promote healing, hope, calm, and serenity resulting in a long and fruitful life.Lucky jade provides protection and enhances all its many sacred qualities, wherever successfully grown. Most effective when planted near door or entrance-ways, as a protective hedge, a container plant in the south-eastern region of a room or any place where there is the wish to multiply money.
It is often given as a statement of love and devotion, as a symbol of loyalty and friendship, to promote the success of a business, or at the start of a new family and especially to promote personal growth, development and overall success and prosperity in life.
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