Autumn can be a glorious time of the year for colour in the garden. Shrubs like Cassia, Lasiandra, Vireya, Osmanthus, early Azalea & Camellias. Also included are late Roses, Abutilon, Loquat, Polygala, Lantana, Plumbago and much more are in full flower now.
Along with herbaceous plants like Geraniums/Pelargonium and shrubs like the Margerite Daisy, Lavender, and Euryops.
And these can be under-planted with flowering groundcovers like Polygonium (Patchwork) and Plectranthus. There's still a lot of colour remaining in the flowering borders through the colour of bulbs and tubers like Colchicum (the autumn crocus), Anemone, Cyclamen, and the first early Narcissus, as well as Nerines.