The Mangere East Neighbourhood Police Team started working in the Mangere East Area on the 28th of February 2011. Our team focuses on issues and concerns raised by the community and we work alongside the community to find long term solutions.
On The Beat:
Mangere East Neighbourhood Policing Team
Over the past nine months you may have seen us out and about walking the streets, catching the public buses, and driving around in what some of the community would describe as being "the

funny looking Police Van".
We have been getting to know as many of you a possible as well as getting to know the local businesses, sports clubs, church groups, schools and organisations and we have formed some great relationships that we will continue to build on.
Growing Communities with Vine Street Gardens:
Early summer is the time for planting at Sutton Park Primary School on Vine Street. Dale Harvey, gardening guru of Vine Street's award winning Quarter Acre Paradise Gardens has been helping the students of Sutton Park to plant fantastic vegetable and flower gardens all around the school.
Funded by big local employer Pacific Steel and supported by the Mangere East Neighbourhood Policing Team and Housing New Zealand, this project aims to bring bountiful vegetable and flower gardens to the Vine Street community, starting with Sutton Park School.
As the project develops look out for more gardens coming to Vine Street, offering healthy gardening fun and healthy eating for local families.
MORE PICTURES click here... Pacific Steel / Sutton Park Day 1
READ MORE...Pacific Steel / Sutton Park Primary School